April 13, 2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

There are two bills in the Nevada legislature which would make doctor prescribed
suicide legal in our state. Although there are differences in SB 105 and AB 351 each
provides that if a patient has been diagnosed with a medical condition which may be
terminal within six months, the treating physician is required to inform the patient that
they may request their doctor to prescribe suicide pills.

In states such as Oregon and California, which have enacted doctor prescribed
suicide, some medical insurance companies have refused to approve medical
procedures requested by physicians, and have instead informed the treating physician
that the insurance company will only approve prescribing the suicide pills. What will the
insurance companies do next? Will the insurance companies deny treatment to people
with medical conditions, or disabilities, which would be fatal without expensive medical
procedures, and, instead, only offer to pay for the suicide pills? Will the elderly be
denied potential lifesaving treatments, and be offered the choice to take a deadly
poison, so they “won’t” be a burden on their family? Stated differently, will the “right to
die”, turn into a “duty to die”?

What impact would these bills have on young people struggling with emotional
issues and considering suicide. What about persons battling depression or suffering
from traumatic brain injury? What is the message to our veterans, who are dealing with
post-traumatic stress disorder? Do SB 105 and AB 351 send our veterans the message
that suicide is an acceptable alternative? In Oregon, the total suicide rate has increased
by more than twice the national suicide rate since physician assisted suicide was

The proponents of SB 105 and AB 351 view these laws as progress. We believe
that legalizing physician assisted suicide in Nevada will lead to the same issues which
now plague Oregon and California.

We ask for your help in making our legislators understand the Church’s position
on physicians assisted suicide. Please make your opposition on SB 105 and AB 351
clear to Nevada Legislators by following the instructions in the attachments.
Please also call your Senator and Assemblyperson and leave a message that you
oppose SB 105 and AB 351. Thank you.

In Christ,
Bishop Randolph R. Calvo
Diocese of Reno

Bishop George Leo Thomas, Ph.D.
Diocese of Las Vegas
Diocese of Reno

Bishop Randolph Calvo,
Diocese of Las Vegas
Most Reverend George Leo Thomas, Ph.D.

Share Your Opinion on Legislative Bills
QR Code:
Use the below QR code to take you straight to the Opinions Page at the Nevada Legislature:
• On the Select Bill, click or enter: AB351
• In the Your Opinion on the Bill, select Against
• You may make comments in the Your Comments on the Bill
• Fill in the Your Information section.


• Go to: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/81st2021/
• Scroll down to Share Your Opinion on Legislative Bills
• On the Select Bill, click or enter: AB351
• Scroll down to the Your Opinion of the Bill and click on Against
• Fill in the Your Information section.
Follow the same procedure with SB105.
the Legislature:
From Northern Nevada:
• 800-978-2878;
• 800-995-9080; or
• 800-992-0973;
From Southern Nevada:
• 702-486-2626
Tell the person who answers that you would like to register your opinions regarding AB351 and
SB105. The staff person will take your information and register your positions.